“Brands as co-creational lived experience ecosystems: an integrative theoretical framework of interactional creation”

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Our chapter with my co-author, Prof. Venkat Ramaswamy, “Brands as co-creational lived experience ecosystems: an integrative theoretical framework of interactional creation” appears in Research Handbook on Brand… Read More »“Brands as co-creational lived experience ecosystems: an integrative theoretical framework of interactional creation”

“Digitalized Interactive Platforms: Turning Goods and Services into Retail Co-Creation Experiences” published in NIM Marketing Intelligence Review

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Our paper with my co-author, Prof. Venkat Ramaswamy, “Digitalized Interactive Platforms: Turning Goods and Services into Retail Co-Creation Experiences” has been published in Marketing Intelligence… Read More »“Digitalized Interactive Platforms: Turning Goods and Services into Retail Co-Creation Experiences” published in NIM Marketing Intelligence Review