Dr. Kerimcan Ozcan is an Associate Professor of Marketing (with tenure) at School of Business and Global Innovation, Marywood University (USA). His current research efforts are at the intersection of co-creation, interactive platforms, and digitalization as applied to value, offerings, branding, service, experience, engagement, events, sociotechnicality, and entrepreneurship. He is the co-author of The Co-Creation Paradigm published by Stanford University Press in 2014 (translated into Turkish and Portuguese). His research appears in Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Strategy and Leadership, Marketing Intelligence Review, and Harvard Business Review. Dr. Ozcan has been a presenter at INFORMS Marketing Science, and AMA Marketing Educators’ conferences, and an invited speaker at University of Texas (Dallas and Arlington), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Concordia University (Montreal), HEC (Paris), Aoyama Gakuin University (Tokyo), and Koç University (Istanbul), among others. His research on social network dynamics, word-of-mouth, diffusion of innovations, and co-creation received research grants from MEXT-JSPS, JVC, and UM Tauber Institute. He has engaged in executive education and consulting with Hewlett-Packard Labs, Deloitte-Doblin, General Electric, JVC, Ericsson, Mizuho, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, NTT, JICA, and Development Bank of Japan. Dr. Ozcan holds a Ph.D. (Marketing) and M.A. (Applied Economics) from University of Michigan, an M.S. (Management) from Georgia Institute of Technology, and a B.S. (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) from Bogazici University. Previously, he taught at University of Michigan, Northeastern Illinois University, Robert Morris College, International Christian University (Tokyo), and International University of Japan (Niigata). Prior to entering academia, he worked at Unilever, Siemens, and Sisecam.