

Ozcan, Kerimcan (2019). “Smart, Connected Products and Services as Digitalized Interactive Platforms (DIPs),” George Washington University Conference on the Intelligence of Things in Washington, D.C.

Ozcan, Kerimcan (2018). “The Co-Creation Paradigm: The Role of Digitalized Interactive Platforms in Engagement,” Co-Creation in Service and Customer Engagement Symposium 2018, in Adelaide, Australia. [Keynote Speaker]

Ozcan, Kerimcan (2018). “Modeling Strategies for Configuration of Interactive Platforms In Co-Creation Of Value,” 2018 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference in Philadelphia.

Ozcan, Kerimcan, and Venkatram Ramaswamy (2015). “Service Value as an Agential Co-Creation,” at the AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference in Chicago.

_____________ (2015). “The Dynamics of Agencial Creation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities,” at the Global Research Symposium on Marketing & Entrepreneurship in Chicago.

_____________ (2009). “Modeling the Structure and Dynamics of Word-of-Mouth Dialogues,” at the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor).

_____________ (2007). “Word-of-Mouth Dialogue and Consumer Decision Making,” at the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference at the Singapore Management University.

_____________ (2006). “Impact of Heterogeneity and Heterophily in Consumer Networks on the Dynamics of Experience Intentions via Word-of-Mouth,” at the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference at the University of Pittsburgh.

Niyazov, Farkhod and Kerimcan Ozcan (2006). “Social Network Experiments of Information Flow and Consumer Decision Making,” at the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference at the University of Pittsburgh.

Ozcan, Kerimcan, and Venkatram Ramaswamy (2006). “Parametric and Constructivist Models of Consumer Networks,” at the Symposium on Value Co-Creation in Tokyo, Japan.

Ramaswamy, Venkatram and Kerimcan Ozcan (2004). “Modeling Experience Intentions in a Consumer Network: Access Structure and Word-of-Mouth Dynamics,” at the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam-Netherlands.

Ozcan, Kerimcan, and Venkatram Ramaswamy (2004). “Diffusion of Innovations in Small Worlds: Taking Shortcuts While Seeding?,” at the Eighth Annual Swarm Users/Researchers Conference at the University of Michigan.

_____________ (2003). “Analytical and Computational Models of Word-of-Mouth Processes in Consumer Networks,” at the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference at the University of Maryland.

Ozcan, Kerimcan, Rabikar Chatterjee, and Venkatram Ramaswamy (1999). “DiffusIn: An Agent-Based Model for Diffusion of Innovations in Social/Spatial Contexts,” at the INFORMS Fall Conference in Philadelphia.

Ozcan, Kerimcan(1999). “From Robinson Crusoe Marketing to Structural Marketing: Old Wine in a New Bottle?” at the 29thAnnual Haring Symposium, Indiana University, Bloomington. 

Invited Talks

Aoyama Gakuin University (Tokyo)

Bilgi University (Istanbul)

Bilkent University (Ankara)

Center for Global Communications-GLOCOM (Tokyo)

Concordia University (Montreal)

Doblin Group (Chicago)

HEC School of Management (Paris)

HP Labs (Palo Alto)

International University of Japan (Niigata)

Koç University (Istanbul)

Marywood University (Scranton)

New Jersey Institute of Technology (Newark)

Sabancı University (Istanbul)

St. John’s University (New York)

Stetson University (Orlando)

University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

University of Texas (Arlington)

University of Texas (Dallas)

Yeditepe University (Istanbul)