
Academic Book

Ozcan, Kerimcan, and Venkat Ramaswamy (2024). Dynamic Relationality Theory of Creative Transformation: Grounding Machinic Ecosystems in Life-Experiences, 386 pp., Cambridge, MA: Elsevier. (Amazon link)

Ramaswamy, Venkatram and Kerimcan Ozcan (2014). The Co-Creation Paradigm, 360 pp., Redwood City, CA: Stanford University Press. (Amazon link)

      Foreign Language Translations in:

  • Turkish: Inovasyonun Sifresi: Birlikte-Yaratma Paradigmasi. Optimist, May 2015. (D&R link)
  • Portuguese: Paradigma da CoCriação. Atlas, March 2016. (Carrefour link)

Book Chapters

Ramaswamy, Venkat, and Kerimcan Ozcan (2022). “Brands as Co-Creational Lived Experience Ecosystems: An Integrative Theoretical Framework of Interactional Creation”, in Research Handbook on Brand Co-Creation, edited by Stefan Markovic, et al, Edward Elgar.

Ramaswamy, Venkat, and Kerimcan Ozcan (2013). “CEOs Must Engage All Stakeholders”, in How CEOs Can Fix Capitalism, edited by Raymond V. Gilmartin and Steven E. Prokesch, Harvard Business School Publishing. Also appeared in:Harvard Business Review,On Point Magazine, Fall. (Harvard Business Review link)

Journal Articles

Ramaswamy, Venkatram and Kerimcan Ozcan (2020). “The “Interacted” actor in platformed networks: theorizing practices of managerial experience value co-creation”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, ahead-of-print.

_____________ (2019). “Digitalized Interactive Platforms: Turning Goods and Services into Retail Co-Creation Experiences”, NIM Marketing Intelligence Review,11 (1), 18-23.

_____________ (2018). “Offerings as Digitalized Interactive Platforms: A Conceptual Framework and Implications,” Journal of Marketing, 82 (4), 19-31. [“lead” article of the issue; finalist for AMA’s 2018 Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award]

_____________ (2018). “What is co-creation? An interactional creation framework and its implications for value creation,” Journal of Business Research, 84 (March), 196-205.

_____________ (2016). “Brand Value Co-Creation in a Digitalized World: An Integrative Framework and Research Implications,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33 (1), 93-106.

_____________ (2013). “Strategy and Co-Creation Thinking”,Strategy & Leadership,41 (6), 5-10. [Selected as the Outstanding Paper of 2013 by the Editorial Board of the journal]

Kahn, Kenneth B., and Kerimcan Ozcan(1997). “How to Measure the Impact of FSI on Sales Forecasts,” Journal of Business Forecasting, 15 (4), 17-19.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Proceedings 

Ozcan, Kerimcan, and Venkat Ramaswamy (2015). “Service Value as an Agential Co-Creation”, AMASummer Educators’ Proceedings, N-12.